This tutorial is designed to reinforce the skills you learned in Programming Historian QGIS Tutorial#3
- Download the NOLA zipfile from Blackboard and unzip it to a folder on your computer.
- Start a new project; set the CRS: type 26982 to bring up NAD83/ Louisiana south
- Add Vector: Load the NaturalEarth [ne] shapefile basemap for Louisiana: ne_Louisiana_10m_admin_1.shp; Turn the fill color off
- Add Vector: Load the Open Street Map [OSM] shapemap basemaps for New Orleans – go in this order and look at each. As you look for the files, notice the size of each of them. [Which file is the largest? Which is the smallest? Why?] Once they load, use the right-click “Zoom to Layer” feature and then the magnifying glass. Drag them into the stack-order that makes the most sense to you.
- OSM_NOLA_land_coast_polygons.shp
- OSM_NOLA_admin_any.shp
- OSM_NOLA_waterareas_any.shp
- OSM_NOLA_roads_any.shp
- OSM_NOLA_buildings_any.shp
- Turn labels on for the roads layer so you can see the names of the roads
- Turn the buildings layer off to make the map easier to view
- Add Raster: Load the 1854 Norman Map [this is actually a late 1800s re-creation]. Note: I have already georeferenced this file. Notice the discrepancies in the georeferencing between the historical map and the OSM basemaps. Where are they?
- Add Raster: Load the page from 1883 Robinson Atlas of New Orleans. Note: I have already georeferenced this file.
- Create a point shapefile called “points_interest’. In that file you will use points to locate buildings you think have disappeared. [HINT: for more convenient viewing, download the Norman and Robinson maps from Blackboard and view them in a separate image viewer]
- Build an attribute table for these points, with these attributes
- Name
- Year [will be the same as the map]
- Edit the new shapefile
- Add 4 points from the 1854 Norman Map
- Add 2 points from the 1883 Robinson Atlas page
- Change “properties” to display the new name and date info
- Create a line shapefile for roads and an attribute table with these fields
- Name
- Year
- Trace 4 roads from the Norman map and them to compare to modern roads
- Create a new polygon shapefile with “building_name” and “year” attributes
- Trace 2 buildings as polygons, assisted by the ‘snapping’ function
- Save the whole project as a “NOLA.qgs” file so you can load it later.
- Zoom in on downtown New Orleans with a view that shows your new vector files but NOT the historical maps.
- Open Print Composer; then Layout, then Add Map to show this downtown area. Leave enough space at the top or bottom of the page for your title
- Go back to the main screen of QGIS, Zoom out to show the full extent of Louisiana. Turn off the buildings and roads areas [to speed up loading]
- Then back in Print Composer, add an insert map [Layout/Add Map] that shows the whole state.
- Put frames around both Map0 and Map1
- Add a scalebar in Map0, with units in feet [Layout/Add Scalebar]
- Add a Title to the map [Layout/AddLabel] and add another smaller label identifying the sources of the data.
- Save the printer composer file and then export a PDF[Composer/Export as PDF]. Put your last name in the PDF filename and upload it to Blackboard
Data sources for this tutorial:
- Base map of Louisiana/Texas, etc. from [cultural vectors];
- Base map showing many specific features of New Orleans
- Detailed base map of city and surrounding area; — features metro extracts of OpenStreetMap [OSM]
- Benjamin Norman, Norman’s Plan of New Orleans & Environs [New Orleans?, 1854].
- Elisha Robinson, Atlas of the Citiy of New Orleans, Louisiana, based upon surveys furnished by John F. Braun. New York: E. Robinson, 1883.
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